"Conflictul real nu este intre Basescu si Tariceanu + restul de “partide democratice”, ci intre populatia majoritara (reprezentata in interese de Basescu, Macovei, parti din PD, parti din PLD, parti discrete/mici din alte partide) si grupurile transpartinice formate din 1990 pe criterii economice (ilicite, in majoritate); transpartinicul controleaza inca, astazi, executivul si legislativul din Romania cu ajutorul mass-mediei aservite (majoritara)." (Adrian Ardelean)
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
de Livia I. (2007-04-02 08:22:16)
Tia Serbanescu
Restructurare sau restauraţie?
Premierul Tăriceanu ar trebui să ţină minte toată viaţa ziua de 1 aprilie. Să apari de Florii şi să anunţi abdicarea din Alianţă şi aşezarea sub tutela PSD înseamnă ori că-ţi plăteşti degeaba consilierii, ori că ţi s-a făcut de cucui. Unde mai pui că guvernul ar trebui să-şi pună plăcuţe bilingve având în vedere procentul de peste 20% al maghiarilor în noul executiv. Dacă măcar UDMR, care a încremenit de zece ani consecutiv la guvernare (ceea ce este un abuz de democraţie) ar fi dat dovadă de cine ştie ce competenţă, nu ţi-ar părea rău. Dar "loialitatea" UDMR s-a concentrat exclusiv asupra propriului program etnic. Întrucât PRM-PC şi PD-PLD şi-au anunţat votul negativ, guvernul PNL-UDMR se bizuie exclusiv pe binecuvântarea PSD şi pe teama acestuia de anticipate. Şmecheri, PD şi preşedintele au tăcut - deşi biletul de adio al premierului îl indica pe dl Băsescu drept principal vinovat de gestul său sinucigaş: "un om a reuşit de unul singur să dinamiteze o construcţie politică solidă. Traian Băsescu. Acesta este adevărul". Acesta este "Adevărul" dlui Patriciu - care suferă de sindromul Stockholm de multă vreme având o înclinaţie fatală (dar profitabilă) către PSD. A avut şi dl Băsescu vina sa, fără discuţie, dar cheia războiului se află în dosarele de la CNSAS şi din Justiţie ale băieţilor deştepţi. Aceştia jubilează. Au scăpat de dna Macovei, urmează să scape şi de procurorii Kovesi şi Morar, să scoată dosarele Revoluţiei şi mineriadei de la Parchetul Militar (unde dl Iliescu stătea pe jar) şi să închidă dosarele deştepţilor care vor să cumpere şi să controleze totul. Să joace ţara ca pe Ana Lugojana, şi pe stânga şi pe dreapte, uite iac-aşa! Urmează suspendarea preşedintelui - care nu figurează pe agenda populaţiei, cum nu figura nici ruperea Alianţei, dar ce contează? Cui îi pasă? Reducem CAS-ul, mai dăm o sută de lei şi la vita e bella. Dispare corupţia, dispar şi băieţii deştepţi din conversaţie (cum ne anunţa dl Vosganian) şi începe "reconcilierea", cum i-a zis dl Tăriceanu. Concret: restructurarea anunţă restauraţia PSD sub masca PNL. Şi ce semnal de "reconciliere" mai derutant puteam să primim decât apariţia foştilor preşedinţi Emil Constantinescu şi Iliescu, împăcaţi şi veseli, la aceeaşi conferinţă de presă? Ptiu! Şi-au dat seama, pesemne, că numai împreună vor reuşi - să ne enerveze. Separat erau doar penibili. Marea absentă a guvernului restructurat (mai mult cu numele) e dna Norica Nicolai care de bine ce alerga după patru ministere n-a prins niciunul - trezindu-se, sărmana, direct în reclama tv de Paşti: singura femeie căreia nu i-a crescut cozonacul deşi a folosit făină Dobrogea.
Pe 1 Aprilie 2007 a murit Partidul Liberal. Care ramane o amintire frumoasa.
Eu am votat cu liberalii. Acu m-au pacalit si mi-au dat votul la psd.
Gasca lui Taricescu va face minuni caci va guverna dupa principiul: Ce e bine pentru Patriciu si Fenechiu e bine pentru Romania.
Si desigur psd o sa traga guvernul din priza in secunda in care-i va veni bine.
A murit Tariceanu 1!
Traiasca Tariceanu 2!
La multe Guverne Taricene, Domnule Prim Ministru!
Da-i dracu de votanti, ca n-aveti nevoie de ei inca aproape 2 ani! Si atunci, datorita presei lui patriciu si voiculescu poate prindeti 5 la suta si formati grupul parlamentar pnl-psd-pc.
Constantin Balaceanu-Stolnici
Situatia confuza creata de discursul premierului in duminica Floriilor s-a clarificat dupa cuvantarea de luni a domnului Geoana. Noul guvern minoritar (cu o sustinere in Parlament de 25%) a devenit executantul directivelor politice de stanga pe care i le va impune PSD, mai ales in domeniul fiscal si al proprietatii. Premierul si-a pus capul si partidul sub ghilotina pentru a-si pastra scaunul, schimbandu-si, totodata, orientarea spre stanga, contrar traditiei PNL pentru care atatia au suferit in trecut.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Idei Americane semi-preparate
The Pope is the true vicar of christ, evolution is a wrong headed idea, global warming is a wrong headed idea, science is just a bunch of egg heads who can't get women, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Russia, China, Vietnam, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and other non American countries are wrong headed, Sweden is a communist country, Norway is a communist country, Canadians wouldn't get health care if they didn't cross the border into America where the best health care in the world is found, Our troops in Iraq are liberators, god blesses our troops but no one elses, hard work is rewarded by fortune and wealth but only in America, Wal-Mart creates jobs, everyone wants to be an American {this is an almost universal canon of belief}, everyone can get rich in the stock market, the rich earned it, the bible is the literal word of god, education makes men into sissy pants fags,George Bush won two elections freely and fairly, republicans support god and family, American military doesn't kill people except to help them, the governemnt is the problem and republicans are not to blame for the government they control.
BajanMan comments on The Smirking Chimp
Capitalism, free markets, free enterprise and other bilge
Much of the economic pathology that can be laid at the feet of U.S. virulent 'cowboy' brand of capitalism has two primary effects at work:
i) the incessant crass commercialism of everything - yielding a lowest common denominator culture and "minds" to match it.
ii) A continuing enhancement in inequality - with ever fewer slices of 'pie' for the lowest 80% while the top twenty percent gorges itself on 94% of the resources.
This sets up de facto economic warfare amongst all groups in the lower echelons, pitting one against the other for the few scraps that remain.
As Charles Reich poignantly notes in his book, Opposing the System, Crown Books, 1995, p. 22:
We have built a machine for dehumanization of such force and destructive power, thorough its accumulated assaults on human dignity, that we are creating kinds and degrees of damage to human beings beyond anything ever known, with totally unforeseeable consequences
Reich then describes the visceral 'dog-eat-dog', endless economic warfare that ensues between people in the never ending quest to 'make it' and not be left behind. A tragic game wherein every one has a 'market value' and all abiding principles, social or moral, are reduced to economics. Alas, the cost resides in devastated marriages, familes and communities.
By comparison, the endemic socialist, communitarian structure of Barbados (for example) promotes a healthy growth of the social commonweal and the belief that what is done for the benefit of one, or a few, redounds to the benefit of all. Hence, the imperatives for low cost housing, national health insurance for all, free education through college.
In the U.S. capitalist system, it is more rank competition that prevails - and that engenders a perpetual creative destruction that ravages precious resources. In Barbados, with few resources, each must be maximized. There isn't the quantity to allow duplication or other squandering in wasteful competition. In the U.S., the exact opposite holds. Huge amounts of resources are yearly squandered in competitive games- that have only one or a few 'winners'.
A ten-thousandfold raw material base may produce one or two products that are successful in marketing or whatnot. In Barbados, nationalization of most resources ensures that the raw material factor is ten fold or less.
The island simply lacks the resources to conduct anything approaching the scale of ecological insanity inherent in U.S. 'creative destruction'. (A faux euphemism if ever there was one).
In effect, U.S. capitalism creates a self-destructive, wasteful culture that translates into a self-destructive and wasteful social pattern. People are 'marketed to' for temporary friendships - say merely to network for the next job - then dropped. Or, if a neighbor suddenly become unemployed - and knocked out of the current consumerist culture - they may be jettisoned as friends. They no longer share the same 'buying' interests (or power) after all.
What fun are they at cocktail parties, or even barbecues? Who wants to hear about their pathetic inability to keep up with the latest market crazes?
Repeated untold millions of times, one gets an entire toxic culture, and diseased society. This is, in effect, what we are seeing when we re-enter the U.S. after long stays in normal countries. Countries that hold the commonality in esteem, rather than attempting to fracture it into millions of pieces.
Must capitalism overall inevitably be like this? Maybe not, as Adam Smith actually conceived of a beneficent form in his 'Wealth of Nations' whereby a support and safety net society underpinned the economic system. In a Smithian version of modern day capitalism for example, a universal health care system would be a 'gimme.' (viz. ""What improves the circumstances of the greater part can never be regarded as an inconvenience to the whole", p. 755, Vol. I)
On the issue of "free enterprise" that no longer exists other than in name only. As Maxine Baca-Zinn and D. Stanley- Eitzen observe ('In Conflict and Order', p. 343) :
"The American economy is no longer based on competition among more or less equal private capitalists. It is now dominated by huge corporations that, contrary to classical economic theory, control demand rather than being responsive to the demands of the market."
It is also interesting, according to a Wall Street Journal report last year, that more than 57% of individual enterprises fail by the end of the first year, 66% by the end of the third. Of the "successful" individual enterprises more than half only operate at the breakeven level.
As for "free markets" that's another myth. Huge global multi-nationals now control markets and dictate choice. What doesn't fit in with their edifice, won't appear anywhere and hence not represent an ab initio choice. A Baltimore Sun report in 2002 note for example, that since passage of the 1996 Telecommunications Act, 91% of communities have been reduced to having only ONE cable company - which obviously can charge whatever the hell it likes.
This is no "free market"!
Neither is health care really a "free market". Thus, when people are likely to need to rely or purchase into it the most - with catastrophic illness- they are most limited in their choices. In addition, most providers (HMOs) limit what can and can't be done under the contract. In addition, people with chronic or congenital conditions are often excluded ab initio.
Neither is the market 'free' in terms of work or employment. Because of centralization of many corporations - and application of the same Managerial structure to all, the same rules generally apply.
Workers therefore have no choice in setting their terms and conditions of employment. It is 'take it or leave it'. They cannot decide whether they will allow themselves to be spied upon in restrooms (by company video cameras), or be forced to give urine for 'drug tests' (when CEOs and managers do not), or be tracked on their computers all day by specialized 'info systems', or sworn to subscribe to an 'off hours-out of office' code of behavior.
Nor do they have a choice when suddenly the company announces that 10% of all their pay will now have to go toward medical benefits costs. (Because of the CEO deciding to migrate to a new, cheaper HMO plan.) Nor can they complain if this new plan has them paying ten times more for prescriptions, and limits the number of office visits - say for counseling.
What we're now seeing is more and more the emergence of coercive markets, which are destructive to everyone but the wealthy corporate interests able to purchase legislative leverage.
As author Charles Reich poignantly notes in his book, Opposing the System, Crown Books, 1995, p. 22:
"A free market produces results that favor the health of society as a whole, because an essential balance is maintained. But in a coercive market, the balance is destroyed, the earning power of work and the standard of living of workers declines, and society as a whole is devastated while those with economic power gain an ever more unbalanced share of the nation's economic wealth."
As Morris Berman notes in his new book, 'Dark Ages America' most of what we've been sold about our economic system is simply not true. It is PR for the masses. It is schlock, piffle, and codswallop. To the extent people buy into and believe it, they are in the throes of false consciousness and their opinions, etc. cannot be trusted. They are dummies being operated at the ends of assorted strings pulled by the corporate oligarchs and overseers.
"I run" quickly
Must be that Harold Pinter wrote the article bellow four years ago.
Today we substitute Iran for Iraq and we keep going.
But first they must find a way to say Iran attacked.
Just like Poland invaded Germany in 1939.
Those little countries have a tendency to aggressively enter the digestive system of the big ones.
However, "I ran" will prove impossible to swallow.
Why George Bush is Insane by Harold Pinter
Earlier this year I had a major operation for cancer. The operation and its after-effects were something of a nightmare. I felt I was a man unable to swim bobbing about under water in a deep dark endless ocean. But I did not drown and I am very glad to be alive.
However, I found that to emerge from a personal nightmare was to enter an infinitely more pervasive public nightmare - the nightmare of American hysteria, ignorance, arrogance, stupidity and belligerence; the most powerful nation the world has ever known effectively waging war against the rest of the world. "If you are not with us you are against us" President Bush has said. He has also said "We will not allow the world's worst weapons to remain in the hands of the world's worst leaders". Quite right. Look in the mirror chum. That's you.
The US is at this moment developing advanced systems of "weapons of mass destruction" and it prepared to use them where it sees fit. It has more of them than the rest of the world put together. It has walked away from international agreements on biological and chemical weapons, refusing to allow inspection of its own factories. The hypocrisy behind its public declarations and its own actions is almost a joke.
The United States believes that the three thousand deaths in New York are the only deaths that count, the only deaths that matter. They are American deaths. Other deaths are unreal, abstract, of no consequence.
The three thousand deaths in Afghanistan are never referred to.
The hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children dead through US and British sanctions which have deprived them of essential medicines are never referred to.
The effect of depleted uranium, used by America in the Gulf War, is never referred to. Radiation levels in Iraq are appallingly high. Babies are born with no brain, no eyes, no genitals. Where they do have ears, mouths or rectums, all that issues from these orifices is blood.
The two hundred thousand deaths in East Timor in 1975 brought about by the Indonesian government but inspired and supported by the United States are never referred to.
The half a million deaths in Guatemala, Chile, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Uruguay, Argentina and Haiti, in actions supported and subsidised by the United States are never referred to.
The millions of deaths in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia are no longer referred to.
The desperate plight of the Palestinian people, the central factor in world unrest, is hardly referred to.
But what a misjudgement of the present and what a misreading of history this is.
People do not forget. They do not forget the death of their fellows, they do not forget torture and mutilation, they do not forget injustice, they do not forget oppression, they do not forget the terrorism of mighty powers. They not only don't forget. They strike back.
The atrocity in New York was predictable and inevitable. It was an act of retaliation against constant and systematic manifestations of state terrorism on the part of the United States over many years, in all parts of the world.
In Britain the public is now being warned to be "vigilant" in preparation for potential terrorist acts. The language is in itself preposterous.
How will - or can - public vigilance be embodied? Wearing a scarf over your mouth to keep out poison gas? However, terrorist attacks are quite likely, the inevitable result of our Prime Minister's contemptible and shameful subservience to the United States. Apparently, a terrorist poison gas attack on the London Underground system was recently prevented. But such an act may indeed take place. Thousands of school children travel on the London Underground every day. If there is a poison gas attack from which they die, the responsibility will rest entirely on the shoulders of our Prime Minister. Needless to say, the Prime Minister does not travel on the underground himself.
The planned war against Iraq is in fact a plan for premeditated murder of thousands of civilians in order, apparently, to rescue them from their dictator.
The United States and Britain are pursuing a course which can lead only to an escalation of violence throughout the world and finally to catastrophe.
It is obvious, however, that the United States is bursting at the seams to attack Irak. I believe that it will do this - not just to take control of Iraqi oil - but because the US administration is now a bloodthirsty wild animal. Bombs are its only vocabulary. Many Americans, we know, are horrified by the posture of their government but seem to be helpless.
Unless Europe finds the solidarity, intelligence, courage and will to challenge and resist US power Europe itself will deserve Alexander Herzen's definition (as quoted in the Guardian newspaper in London recently) "We are not the doctors. We are the disease".
Harold Pinter
The Assassinated Press