Bucharest Diary

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Idei Americane semi-preparate

The Pope is the true vicar of christ, evolution is a wrong headed idea, global warming is a wrong headed idea, science is just a bunch of egg heads who can't get women, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Russia, China, Vietnam, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and other non American countries are wrong headed, Sweden is a communist country, Norway is a communist country, Canadians wouldn't get health care if they didn't cross the border into America where the best health care in the world is found, Our troops in Iraq are liberators, god blesses our troops but no one elses, hard work is rewarded by fortune and wealth but only in America, Wal-Mart creates jobs, everyone wants to be an American {this is an almost universal canon of belief}, everyone can get rich in the stock market, the rich earned it, the bible is the literal word of god, education makes men into sissy pants fags,George Bush won two elections freely and fairly, republicans support god and family, American military doesn't kill people except to help them, the governemnt is the problem and republicans are not to blame for the government they control.


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