Bucharest Diary

Monday, November 28, 2005

America is caught in a conflict between science and God

"Reflect on this. Only one out of four Americans believes life on earth today has evolved through natural selection. Three-quarters of Americans, in other words, still do not accept what Darwin established 150 years ago. Just under half of all Americans believe the natural world was created in its present form by God in six days as described in Genesis. They believe, incredibly, that the earth is only a few thousand years old."

"Since 9/11 you often hear the argument that the liberal western world must study and learn more about Islam in order to better comprehend the fundamentalist Muslim mind. Maybe so. But you do not often hear people advocating similar inquisitiveness about the fundamentalist Christian mind. Perhaps that too ought to change, especially if we want to understand an America in which religious feeling is growing, not shrinking, and in which the outriders are becoming more audacious intellectually and politically by the day."
(Martin Kettle in "The Guardian")

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Sambata Noaptea

La Laptaria lui Enache canta Suie Paparude. Jos am vazut un spectacol de comedie.
Am intrat si la Cafeneaua Actorilor, la Club A.
Dupa 2 ore eram acasa.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Search Skills

The fastest way to get to the White House Web site, is to Google "miserable failure," "failure" or "worst President" and, then, hit "I'm feeling lucky."

"The Perfect One" is no longer perfect? Damn!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Who is financing the US - Brad Setzer

"What do China, Russia, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia and the other Persian gulf oil sheikdoms have in common?

Quite a lot, actually:

All have significant current account surpluses. China's surplus is all the more impressive because imports, rather than exports, oil.
All either peg to the dollar, maintain basket pegs that seem an awful lot like dollar pegs, or intervene heavily in the foreign exchange market.
And since the countries with the biggest current account surpluses more or less have to finance the US for the global balance of payments to work out - though finding the precise channels is a bit of a mystery.
And given the size of China's reserve increase, Russia's current account surplus (Russia's trade surplus topped $34 billion in the third quarter), and Saudi Arabia's current account surplus, these three countries are almost certainly constitute three of the four biggest financiers of the US. Japan is the other. But right now Japan's government isn't intervening in the foreign exchange market - while China, Russia and Saudi Arabia certainly are.

Kind of ironic when you think about ... the United States biggest creditors do not exactly share the United States' political system - or necessarily share its foreign policy objectives."

British Bushism

"There is no justification for Iran or any country interfering in Iraq." (Tony Blair)
I can't believe he can get away with such crap in Britain. How long until we see Britons rioting in London, Bristol...? Does it have to be after America and Britain invades Iran and killes a few million?

One thing is for sure: the history channel will continue to show Hitler's crimes.

Rich Procter: 'The 19% project ? we can do it!'

Rich Procter: 'The 19% project ? we can do it!'
Contributed by drprocter on Monday, November 14 @ 09:59:50 EST

Even my fellow insurrectionists called me a crazy dreamer when I told them that we - the American People, working together in a bipartisan fashion - could get President Bush's approval numbers below 40%. Dreamer? Try visionary. Today, even Dubya-friendly Fox News has Bush at 36% and plummeting. A clear majority of Americans believe Mr. Bush has the integrity of a crack dealer. They also think the Iraq war is a debacle, and that Team Bush has our young soldiers being blown up for no good reason.

QUESTION - Will our War President? bottom out in the mid-30th percentile, or can he actually tumble lower? Call me a glass-half-full cockeyed optimist, but I think we can get Dubya down to 19%. How? I've created a comprehensive 4 Point Plan to ensure that Mr. Bush will become the first President less popular than Herpes. My plan requires the (unintentional, unconscious) assistance of Republicans. I don't see this as a problem.

POINT ONE - The President Must Continue To Act Brain Dead and Tone Deaf On Iraq - Bush's huffy, snappish Veterans' Day speech executes this strategy perfectly - more please! Instead of acknowledging his myriad blunders, taking responsibility for the on-going calamity, telling the truth and offering a new direction, Mr. Bush told America that things were peachy-keen swell, and called the Democrats big poopy-heads for admitting that he lied to them so he could have his war. Excellent! Here's a real "19 per center" in action - isolated, petulant, and dangerously deluded.

POINT TWO - The White House Must Continue To Misjudge Every Crisis As Mere Fodder for P.R. "Spin." - Katrina was the perfect paradigm for how a true 19 per center responds to an emergency. First, ignore it (and if possible, have your picture taken grinning at fund-raisers while people die). Next, sky in for "toe touch" photo op in order to go into raptures over the incompetent crony who is botching emergency relief operations. Finally, flail about trying to find a properly picturesque Morgan Freeman look-alike to hug, to show voters that you really truly care as horror stories dominate the media. BONUS STEP - Go prime time with a "White House Presents George Bush LIVE from New Orleans!" very special special. Vow to do "whatever it takes" to help New Orleans. Go back to Washington and lose interest immediately. Wonderful! 19% here we come!

POINT THREE - Bush Must Continue to Champion Rampant Hypocrisy - I believe this is our single BEST weapon in our "crusade" (one of Dubya's favorite words!) to get him down to 19%. Consider:
"We do not torture" (Abu Gharib, Gitmo, Secret Euro-Prisons, Cheney lecturing McCain, etc., ad nauseum)
"Ah'm a Conservative" (Drunken Sailor Spending Binges, Zero Vetoes, "Bridge to Nowhere", Patriot Act destruction of privacy rights, record deficits, etc., ad nauseum)
"Restoring Honor and Dignity To Government" (Libby indictment, DeLay indictments, Frist investigation, Rove investigation, Abramoff corruption inquiry, etc. ad nauseum)
"Bring It On" - Over 2,000 soldiers have been sent to an early grave by a President from the "Vietnam Avoidance Brigade" of the Texas Air National Guard, and a Vice-President who bagged five draft deferments while pursuing "other priorities." These are the men who can't spare ten minutes for a woman who lost her son in Iraq.
POINT FOUR - The Bushies Must Keep Pushing Policies People Despise - We've made an excellent start here with the dazzling Bush campaign to "reform" Social Security. Who else but the Bushies could invent a plan that would A) add 3 trillion dollars to the national debt, while B) doing absolutely nothing to fix Social Security! BONUS - The more he explained it, the more people hated it! THIS is the Bush who will get to 19% all by his swaggerin' Texas self, without our help. This is the smug, arrogant, fiercely entitled millionaire plutocrat who treats voters like they're naughty servants.

What repugnant proposals are on the horizon? Well, Mr. Bush's right-wing echo chamber "Tax Reform Commission" has recommended prying the home mortgage tax deduction out of the cold dead fingers of the middle class. BEST IDEA YET! And these same Country Club Republicans were shocked to discover that some working Americans have health care provided by employers! Argh! They want to eliminate the tax break companies get to provide this insurance. Oh, and it turns out some billionaires are still forced to pay income tax, so the Bushies have more "Donald Trump Tax Relief" on the way to de-fund the government they despise, so they can run up the deficit even more.

What's next? Sell people their mail? (They'd call it "The Post Office Self-Sufficiency Income Enhancement Act of 2006")

Still think we can't get Mr. Bush to 19%? Ponder this - he has no more cards to play. He's destroyed the military, and he doesn't dare bring back the draft. He's busted the budget - no more Medicare-style boondoggles. With natural gas skyrocketing 50% this winter, shivering snow-belt voters have another reason to hate him. All he's got left are the tried and true Republican "Rile The Rubes" Evergreens:
"Homos Getting' Married! Amend the Constitution!
"Democratic Traitors Burning Flags! Amend the Constitution!"
"Mexicans Invading Our Borders! (Except For Them Bush-Approved Sub-Minimum Wage Wal-Mart Associates Willing To Work For Less Than Lazy Americans!) Shut Down Them Borders!"
Hmmmmmm...I'm starting to think 19% isn't ambitious enough. On to SINGLE DIGITS!

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Symbolic Gestures

My dad came to Bucharest to visit me a couple of days ago (he lives in Cluj). I drove him to the rail station last night.
He gave me a bus ticket when we parted. My inheritance.

Thursday, November 03, 2005



Tuesday, November 1, 2005

Washington, D.C. ? Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid delivered the following statement on the floor of the U.S. Senate calling for a secret session of the Senate.

Remarks as prepared:

"This past weekend, we witnessed the indictment of I. Lewis Libby, the Vice President?s Chief of Staff and a senior Advisor to President Bush. Libby is the first sitting White House staffer to be indicted in 135 years.

"This indictment raises very serious charges. It asserts this Administration engaged in actions that both harmed our national security and are morally repugnant.

"The decision to place U.S. soldiers in harm?s way is the most significant responsibility the Constitution invests in the Congress.

"The Libby indictment provides a window into what this is really about: how the Administration manufactured and manipulated intelligence in order to sell the war in Iraq and attempted to destroy those who dared to challenge its actions.

"As a result of its improper conduct, a cloud now hangs over this Administration. This cloud is further darkened by the Administration?s mistakes in prisoner abuse scandal, Hurricane Katrina, and the cronyism and corruption in numerous agencies.

"And, unfortunately, it must be said that a cloud also hangs over this Republican-controlled Congress for its unwillingness to hold this Republican Administration accountable for its misdeeds on all of these issues.

"Let?s take a look back at how we got here with respect to Iraq Mr. President. The record will show that within hours of the terrorist attacks on 9/11, senior officials in this Administration recognized these attacks could be used as a pretext to invade Iraq.

"The record will also show that in the months and years after 9/11, the Administration engaged in a pattern of manipulation of the facts and retribution against anyone who got in its way as it made the case for attacking Iraq.

"There are numerous examples of how the Administration misstated and manipulated the facts as it made the case for war. Administration statements on Saddam?s alleged nuclear weapons capabilities and ties with Al Qaeda represent the best examples of how it consistently and repeatedly manipulated the facts.

"The American people were warned time and again by the President, the Vice President, and the current Secretary of State about Saddam?s nuclear weapons capabilities. The Vice President said Iraq ?has reconstituted its nuclear weapons.? Playing upon the fears of Americans after September 11, these officials and others raised the specter that, left unchecked, Saddam could soon attack America with nuclear weapons.

"Obviously we know now their nuclear claims were wholly inaccurate. But more troubling is the fact that a lot of intelligence experts were telling the Administration then that its claims about Saddam?s nuclear capabilities were false.

"The situation was very similar with respect to Saddam?s links to Al Qaeda. The Vice President told the American people, ?We know he?s out trying once again to produce nuclear weapons and we know he has a longstanding relationship with various terrorist groups including the Al Qaeda organization.?

"The Administration?s assertions on this score have been totally discredited. But again, the Administration went ahead with these assertions in spite of the fact that the government?s top experts did not agree with these claims.

"What has been the response of this Republican-controlled Congress to the Administration?s manipulation of intelligence that led to this protracted war in Iraq? Basically nothing. Did the Republican-controlled Congress carry out its constitutional obligations to conduct oversight? No. Did it support our troops and their families by providing them the answers to many important questions? No. Did it even attempt to force this Administration to answer the most basic questions about its behavior? No.

"Unfortunately the unwillingness of the Republican-controlled Congress to exercise its oversight responsibilities is not limited to just Iraq. We see it with respect to the prisoner abuse scandal. We see it with respect to Katrina. And we see it with respect to the cronyism and corruption that permeates this Administration.

"Time and time again, this Republican-controlled Congress has consistently chosen to put its political interests ahead of our national security. They have repeatedly chosen to protect the Republican Administration rather than get to the bottom of what happened and why.

"There is also another disturbing pattern here, namely about how the Administration responded to those who challenged its assertions. Time and again this Administration has actively sought to attack and undercut those who dared to raise questions about its preferred course.

"For example, when General Shinseki indicated several hundred thousand troops would be needed in Iraq, his military career came to an end. When then OMB Director Larry Lindsay suggested the cost of this war would approach $200 billion, his career in the Administration came to an end. When U.N. Chief Weapons Inspector Hans Blix challenged conclusions about Saddam?s WMD capabilities, the Administration pulled out his inspectors. When Nobel Prize winner and IAEA head Mohammed el-Baridei raised questions about the Administration?s claims of Saddam?s nuclear capabilities, the Administration attempted to remove him from his post. When Joe Wilson stated that there was no attempt by Saddam to acquire uranium from Niger, the Administration launched a vicious and coordinated campaign to demean and discredit him, going so far as to expose the fact that his wife worked as a CIA agent.

"Given this Administration?s pattern of squashing those who challenge its misstatements, what has been the response of this Republican-controlled Congress? Again, absolutely nothing. And with their inactions, they provide political cover for this Administration at the same time they keep the truth from our troops who continue to make large sacrifices in Iraq.

"This behavior is unacceptable. The toll in Iraq is as staggering as it is solemn. More than 2,000 Americans have lost their lives. Over 90 Americans have paid the ultimate sacrifice this month alone ? the fourth deadliest month since the war began. More than 15,000 have been wounded. More than 150,000 remain in harm?s way. Enormous sacrifices have been and continue to be made.

"The troops and the American people have a right to expect answers and accountability worthy of that sacrifice. For example, 40 Senate Democrats wrote a substantive and detailed letter to the President asking four basic questions about the Administration?s Iraq policy and received a four sentence answer in response. These Senators and the American people deserve better.

"They also deserve a searching and comprehensive investigation about how the Bush Administration brought this country to war. Key questions that need to be answered include:

How did the Bush Administration assemble its case for war against Iraq?
Who did Bush Administration officials listen to and who did they ignore?
How did senior Administration officials manipulate or manufacture intelligence presented to the Congress and the American people?
What was the role of the White House Iraq Group or WHIG, a group of senior White House officials tasked with marketing the war and taking down its critics?
How did the Administration coordinate its efforts to attack individuals who dared to challenge the Administration?s assertions?
Why has the Administration failed to provide Congress with the documents that will shed light on their misconduct and misstatements?
"Unfortunately the Senate committee that should be taking the lead in providing these answers is not. Despite the fact that the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee publicly committed to examine many of these questions more than 1 and ? years ago, he has chosen not to keep this commitment. Despite the fact that he restated that commitment earlier this year on national television, he has still done nothing.

"At this point, we can only conclude he will continue to put politics ahead of our national security. If he does anything at this point, I suspect he will play political games by producing an analysis that fails to answer any of these important questions. Instead, if history is any guide, this analysis will attempt to disperse and deflect blame away from the Administration.

"We demand that the Intelligence Committee and other committees in this body with jurisdiction over these matters carry out a full and complete investigation immediately as called for by Democrats in the committee?s annual intelligence authorization report. Our troops and the American people have sacrificed too much. It is time this Republican-controlled Congress put the interests of the American people ahead of their own political interests."

The true cost of war

by Cindy Sheehan

This immoral invasion and occupation of Iraq has cost the world so much. George and his reckless war of choice have cost the American taxpayers billions of dollars that could be better spent at home. Judging from Katrina, Iraq has cost our country much of its security. It has cost the US any good standing we enjoyed in the world community. It cost America the post 9/11 good will from almost the entire world. We Americans are the laughing stock of the world community. Not only is our callous and careless leadership disdained, but we the people are scorned because we "re"-elected George for a 2nd term and not only that, we are allowing him to continue to mis-lead our country into ruin.

The price many of us are paying is so much costlier than the mere monetary expense or loss of reputation. Over 2000 American families have paid the price of our dear loved ones to the insanity. Over 15,000 of our young people are wounded with 400 of those being amputees. The Veterans Administration estimates that over 1Ú4 of our children will come home with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. I believe that number is higher, because I know of many cases where the military refuses to allow soldiers to seek treatment for PTSD. Many of them are sent back to battle if they even dare suggest they may be suffering from PTSD. Even if they are not wounded emotionally or physically, or killed, our soldiers will not come home entirely whole.

I was standing in front of the White House the other day when the indictments against Scooter were handed down. I was helping to hold a banner that said: Support our Troops: Bring Them Home Now.

When we received word of the indictments, many of us protestors outside the White House were cheering with happiness and relief. At last, someone could be held accountable for the lies that led our country into a disastrous invasion of Iraq. But I wasn't cheering. I put down my end of the banner and sat down on the curb and cried.

Scooter is just a lap dog for Cheney. He and this administration don't do anything unless the dirty deed is analyzed and planned for maximum damage to the offending party and minimum harm to Bush and Co. The criminals in power meant to hurt Joe Wilson and his family because Joe had the temerity and the audacity to call them liars: and to do it with such intelligence and alacrity was too much for the crooks to bear. If this crooked administration let Joe Wilson get away with telling the truth and calling them liars, then who would be next? Colin Powell? Judith Miller? The main stream media? (It could happen).

I cried because there are people in this world who have lied about smaller things and have been punished more harshly. I cried because there was a shill of the right near me holding a sign that read "Put Cindy in Abu Ghraib" when there are war criminals and immoral war profiteers running amok in our country. I cried because George, Dick, Condi, Colin, Alberto, Donald, Scooter, Paul, Karl, Judith, O'Reilly, Hannity, Limbaugh, etc., lied about the reasons for invading Iraq and because of their lies, my son, who rarely told anything but the truth, is dead.

The liars and lies that led the US to invade Iraq are legion and well documented. (Once, just for giggles, I put George Bush/Lies in a Google search and 272,000 references came up). The lies to maintain the occupation are the same. The liars are now starting to beat the war drum for invading Syria.

A mom whose son committed "accidental" suicide in Iraq about 7 months ago called me this morning. She is beside herself with grief. I remember that the 7th month to the 9th month is the hardest. I think this is true because the profound shock is starting to wear off and the horrendous pain sets in. I so vividly remember the days where I ached so badly I didn't know what to do with my pain. I was afraid if I started screaming, I wouldn't be able to stop until every blood vessel in my brain burst open. I was afraid if I started to hit something, I wouldn't be able to stop until it was completely destroyed. I was afraid that I would have to live every single day with heartbreak so intense and overpowering that I would eventually wear myself out from it.

The ninth month after Casey was killed was the absolute most devastating for me. I remembered the first nine months of his existence in my womb all warm and protected. How his dad and I anticipated his birth with so much joy and expectation. In contrast, the first nine months he was in the cold, cold womb of our mother earth were so joyless, painful, dark and dismal. Having your child murdered for lies, mistakes, and betrayals is so dark and dismal: no one should have to endure what we are enduring.

I was able to reassure the mom in agony somewhat that if she could get through about two more months, she would be able to breathe a little and maybe smile a little and even mean it once in awhile.

We who have made the "ultimate sacrifice" know the true cost of war.

92 families found out in October, one of the bloodiest months of this war. Seven of our brave troops were killed today and their families will soon know how much pain the Bush administration's lies will cause them and how much peace, sleep, and joy these same lies cost.

For everyone else, this is the true cost of war:

Moms and Dads having their hearts and souls violently ripped out. Overwhelming guilt is felt in relentless and pounding waves.

Husbands and wives sorrowfully and prematurely burying their life partners. Days and nights ahead filled with loneliness and pain.

Brothers and sisters having integral parts of their history seized so cruelly from them. Holidays, birthdays, and other celebrations that will never be the same.

Sons and daughters unjustly denied the basic human right to grow up with both of their parents.

Other family members and friends mourning and missing someone too young to be killed in an occupation in which the war dead were sold the bill of goods that they would be greeted with chocolates and flowers from the Iraqi people as liberators.

A sovereign nation which was no threat to the United States of America lies in ruins and tens of thousands of its innocent citizens have been slaughtered just for the hell of it.

When are we going to stand up as a country and yell a collective: "bull-shit?!!" I have been screaming this until my voice is getting hoarse and people are getting sick of hearing it.

How much and how many more are we going to allow the serial liars to rob from us?

I say not one more.