Bucharest Diary

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Poll numbers

"Bush's poll numbers are so bad right now that you need the toilet plunger just to get a look at them. Richard Nixon at the height of Watergate had better numbers than Bush does right now. Bill Clinton's numbers at the same point in his second term were going up - largely due to the public's support of him during the obsessive right wing witch hunt. Maybe Bush should get himself an intern to help his numbers? " (W. David Jenkins III: 'Now playing! The conservative meltdown')

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Scrisoarea "Vulpii"

[Directorul general al Directiei Generale de Informatii si Protectie Interna, chestorul general ]Virgil Ardelean ii scrie lui Sorin Rosca Stanescu o scrisoare deschisa publicata azi in Ziua (vezi link-ul).
Pare baiat destept Ardelean asta. Scrie scurt, clar, inteligent (scrie mai bine decit Stanescu). De mult nu mi-a placut un articol de ziar cum mi-a placut scrisoarea lui.

Paul Mulshine: A trifecta of terrible prospects for the GOP

Irak, scandalul Valerie Plame si petrolul cotat la peste 70 de dolari barilul - cele trei vor amplifica rahatul in care se afla Bush si Partidul Republican in SUA. Presedintele e foarte greu de inlaturat in Statele Unite (spre deosebire de primul ministru la noi sau in Marea Britanie) - din pacate pentru populatia americii.
Cred ca dupa "Uraganul Bush" Statele Unite vor avea nevoie de 20-30 de ani ca sa isi revina.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Maureen Dowd: 'Bike-deep in the Big Muddy

"We were -- waist deep in the Big Muddy
And the big fool said to push on."
Our own (world-wide dictator) Georgie W. is the Big Fool of the decade. He is going to "stay the course" no matter what.
Just 4 questions about that:
Are americans really waking up? Can they impeach him? Could it be done before August is over? Why waste time?

I also liked this line from Maureen Dowd's article:
"Iraq, it turns out, is the one branch of American government that the Republicans don't control."

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Hypocrites and Liars

Sunday, August 07, 2005


Camelia in apt din Rosetti cu basca pe cap.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

60 years ago, Hiroshima

Funny watching anglo-saxon news (I tried BBC and CNN) on Hiroshima, at the 60 year commemoration. There is no talk about the destruction or about the victims.
After 60 years it's still victors speaking like victors. Like the war never ended. It's still us against them, or self justifying and self congratulatory speech.

Here are the main topics:
1) Did Japan recognised its culpability for the war in Asia? (their answer is no, of course). BBC weighs the more profound care and acknowledgement of war crimes by the germans compared to the japanese.
2) Old justifications: The japanese were punished because they were so mean/ it ended the war/ they started it.
3)" We told them we make them pay for Pearl Harbour and we did!" (that's CNN, of course)

Nothing on how the japanese are commemorating the day (no image from Japan at all), or on the crime of bombing civilians like that.
No talk on proliferation helped by a US administration that threatens to "nuke" other countries, or on China's recent threat to use the bomb against the US. Nothing on North Koreea.

No word on how likely we are to keep our promise to never do it again.

(P.S. Today I saw images from Japan on BBC. The coverage is still focused on Japan's past sins).

Friday, August 05, 2005


Azi se implinesc 60 de ani de la bombardamentul atomic de la Hiroshima. Am invatat in cei 60 de ani? Articolul din "The Independent" (Never again) ma face sa ma gandesc la "Cronica unei morti dinainte anuntate". Ne indreptam hipnotic spre un dezastru planetar pe care am putea sa-l evitam.

Golanii de ieri, frustratii de azi.

Nu mai suntem golani.
Adrian Severin, una din luminile intelectuale ale PSD, ne-a nuantat eticheta. Suntem "frustratii de pretutindeni - veleitari ratati si idealisti complexati, culturnici exaltati si analisti schizoizi, intelectuali cu nume si agramati cu avere, junii teribilisti si senilii frivoli."
E atita ura si frustrare in articolul bietului Severin. Ti se face mila. Si sila.
Daca asa scrie cel mai tolerant si mai european dintre psd-isti, partidul nu merita sa supravietuiasca.
Pe cind anticipatele?