Bucharest Diary

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Poll numbers

"Bush's poll numbers are so bad right now that you need the toilet plunger just to get a look at them. Richard Nixon at the height of Watergate had better numbers than Bush does right now. Bill Clinton's numbers at the same point in his second term were going up - largely due to the public's support of him during the obsessive right wing witch hunt. Maybe Bush should get himself an intern to help his numbers? " (W. David Jenkins III: 'Now playing! The conservative meltdown')


At 01 September, 2005 01:52, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sursa celor mai mari erori colective este incapacitatea comuna de a judeca cu calm. Sa ne ferim de violentele care ne tulbura sufletul, pentru ca nici o judecata cumpanita nu rezista ispitelor unui suflet turmentat. (Patapievici, 1999)
?dar cu Basescu ce-ati avut? Conform unor ziare autohtone de miine, 'fostii? insista ca Basescu trebuie 'impeached? ? alceva mai bun nu-i de?nvatat de la americani? In acelasi timp 'Ilestienii? trimbita peste tot ca intrarea Romaniei in EU e creditu'lor ? deci care e , Laie sau Balaie ca?n amindoua nu tine.


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